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Oscillating quickly between caremad and indifference. — 11 years 33 weeks ago years 33 weeks ago
you'll like this years 33 weeks ago
Duck fat. — 11 years 33 weeks ago
Nice breakdown of development shop size characteristics: ... we're "moderate class" according to this — 11 years 33 weeks ago
Somewhere in the world a unicorn dies every time I have to use FTP to move files. — 11 years 33 weeks ago
417 yards of offensive, 50 points. In the first half with a true freshman quarterback. Yeah, I love my ducks. 11 years 34 weeks ago
So. Painful. ESPN3 should have hired me, I would have been more prepared than estos dos. — 11 years 34 weeks ago
I now see why LSU, Alabama, Florida and the rest of the SEC play Sun Belt teams every year — 11 years 34 weeks ago
15 puntos en cinco minutos, los Patos son fuertos. Tiempo para el pisco con limonata 11 years 34 weeks ago